103 24-hour helpline | Eye Watch App | Women Safety In Mumbai

To keep Mumbai safe for all and increasing crime against women in the city. Authorities in Mumbai are continuous efforts to keep working ladies in the city safe from eve teasers, physical torture, mental and sexual harassment.

When you are in Mumbai, it is good to know what are your options when it comes to your personal safety.

1. 103  is a 24-hour helpline for crime against women in Mumbai and the police will be there immediately to take action. It is up to you to make that call.

2. Eye watch app (Available for both (iOSand Andriod)
According to Eye watch website, it is the most advanced personal safety solution.

"With the click of a button, Eyewatch informs your Call Guardians where you are and what is happening. Eyewatch is the only known app in the world which captures audio before activation, Records Video after, and calls your Call Guardians one after the other on Speakerphone automatically. Eyewatch uses both GPS and Network triangulation algorithms to determine your location with maximum accuracy and share it with your call Guardians."